Instruction Manual Included
Availability: Yes
Shipping: Free. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery.Click on the photos of our customers to see what they are saying about our leashes!
So how long do you go on fighting or struggling with your dog on your walk? Do you spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on a trainer who teaches the dog to obey him you out of fear or pain? Instead, why don't you use our very effective "Gentle Command" Training System! Using positive communication at time of command, it does not use corporal punishment as other collars and leashes do. It has received amazing praise and feedback from our customers. Please read our reviews! As with all our products, it is made with the highest quality materials, all in a beautiful design. You will find our system much less expensive and with much faster results without the cost or hassle of other training methods.
By using a gentle proven method of learning a language, your dog can understand you. Our "Gentle Command" Training System uses intuitive communication with your dog and encourages proper behavior without pulling, harsh pronged collars, straps around their nose or around their body, without fighting or pulling. This system is gentle and very effective. When used correctly you will have your dog walking calmly right next to you almost immediately. Your dog will respond to your commands without any pulling, fighting or delays. It's all in the proprietary design and comes with complete directions for your success.
This Gentle Command system works by simulating the action of a mother dog teaching and correcting her puppies with a loving, gentle, short grip around their neck to gain their attention, which I believe dogs retain, and therefore respond to this action without much resistance. Dogs want to please you with their good behavior, but up until the development of the Gentle Command system, owners were not communicating in a way dogs could understand. Other leashes and collars try to make the pulling more comfortable for the dog owner and more forceful on the dog.
The Gentle Command system uses an ergonomic design that (when used correctly, as designed) keeps the collar, leash, and owners hand in line down the center of the dogs back, rather than allowing the collar and leash to migrate to left or right side of the dog. Other designs allow or use a leash and/or collar that migrate to the side that the dog owner is walking on, which results a sideways pulling on your dog. The dogs react in a natural reaction of pulling back away from the owner, the same reaction you would have if someone were pulling you forcibly; you would pull back.
- At any time, during the life of one of our Braided Leather Leashes or Braided Leather Reins, the braiding should come apart, a snap should break, or any other failure in the workmanship should occur, we will repair or replace it at no cost to you. Simply call or email us for an RO number and ship it back to us. We will repair or replace it and ship it back to you. Please refer to our warranty page for details.

The Gentle Command Leash and Collar Dog Training System